Trinity Bible Church
TBC is a member of the Fellowship of Independent, Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE).
“Jesus Christ is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
that in everything He might be preeminent.”
TBC is located in the beautiful redwoods of the Santa Cruz mountains, in the small town of Felton, one mile north of downtown on Highway 9.
We’re here to magnify God together through worship that is full of reverence and awe, to edify one another in the love of Jesus Christ, to equip the saints of God for ministry in His Kingdom, so that together we can reach our community with the Gospel, shining the light of God’s love into the spiritual darkness of this world.
TBC is a Reformed Baptist church, rooted in the 16th century Protestant Reformation, focusing on God's free grace in saving us from sin through faith in Jesus. We stand on God's Word (Scripture) as our all-sufficient authority, with Jesus as our only hope and salvation.
We are a family of brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, learning together to walk by faith in Him as we learn from His Word, commune with Him in worship and prayer, and fellowship with one another as we serve Him together.