We’re here to help.
Life can be messy, painful, and extremely hard.
But God brings His wisdom and grace to bear in the here and now.
Sometimes we just need to talk and be heard.
Sometimes we simply need to ask a few questions.
Sometimes we need major help; someone to listen, pray, and compassionately open God's Word to shed light on our weightiest burdens.
At TBC we are committed to trusting in the Word of God for all of life. We desire to bring both the love and truth of Jesus Christ to every situation, big or small. When it's hard to walk the path alone, we're here to help because we're all in this together. Our God has every hair on our heads numbered. For Him, there is nothing about us that He doesn't compassionately care about. There are no problems that are too big for Him to deal with, and none too small for Him to care for. His Word is sufficient for all of it.
All counseling is compassionate, biblical, private, and confidential.
For more information, please contact the church office.
“He does not wait until we have our act together. His Word is living, active, divinely powerful, and sufficient to deal with every need that we have. ”